Website Manager

Emmett Little League - Idaho

Emmett Little League is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a positive baseball experience for all children while instilling the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play.  We depend on the support of our volunteers, sponsorships and donations from our community to help us pay for uniforms, equipment, training & field maintenance.  Emmett Little League, with over 100 players and their families participating, your business will gain valuable visibility throughout the community.  You can showcase your business, everyday, to the hundreds of people who attend Emmett Little League games from Emmett and throughout the Treasure Valley.  

Interested in Becoming an Emmett Little League Sponsors???

We offer different levels of sponsorship, but any donation is welcome and appreciated.  If you are interested in contributing, please complete the Sponsorship Proposal attached below.  

For further questions, please contact [email protected]

Sponsorship Proposal


Dear Friend of Youth Baseball:
Emmett Little League is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a positive baseball
experience for all children while instilling the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play.
We depend on the support of our volunteers, sponsorships, and donations from our community
to help us pay for uniforms, equipment, training & field maintenance, and player scholarships.
Emmett Little League participants include over 120 players and their families. As a donor, your
business will gain valuable visibility throughout the community. You can showcase your
business to hundreds of people who attend Emmett Little League games from Emmett and
throughout the Treasure Valley.
We recognize and appreciate how amazing our community is and the level of financial
commitment which is present from Emmett businesses. Please consider how you can help
support the players of Emmett Little League. We offer different levels of sponsorship, as seen
below, but we appreciate and welcome any size of donation. If you are interested in
contributing, please complete the attached Sponsorship Form along with your payment and
business card and return to:
Emmett Little League
Attn: Sponsorships
PO Box 276
Emmett, ID 83617
Once we receive your tax-deductible donation, you will receive a letter of confirmation and our
Non-Profit Tax ID#.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the following:
Name, Sponsorship Coordinator - Phone number – Email
Thank you for your consideration and for your support!
Emmett Little League Board of Directors



Field Sponsor - $600 - Emmett Little League currently has 4 fields available for
 Sponsor will receive a banner that will be displayed on sponsored field’s backstop
 Field will be referred to as Sponsor’s field during the entire 2025 Emmett Little League
 Sponsor’s name will appear on ALL schedules (paper schedules, website, Facebook,
etc) whenever a game or event takes place at designated field. Our schedules are
shared with the Emmett Community and throughout the Treasure Valley (for Inter-
League Play).
 Special invite and recognition at Emmett Little League Opening Ceremonies
 Sponsor will be listed on our Emmett Little League website

Team Sponsor - $500
 Sponsor’s name will appear on sponsored team’s jerseys
 Sponsor’s name will appear on a banner, which will be displayed on an outfield fence
(on 1 of our 4 Emmett Little League Fields)
 Special invite and recognition at Emmett Little League Opening Ceremonies
 Sponsor will be listed on the Emmett Little League website

Banner Sponsor - $250
 Sponsor will receive a banner that will be displayed on an outfield fence (on 1 of our 4
Emmett Little League Fields)

Equipment Sponsor - $100
 Sponsor will be displayed on a banner containing ALL equipment sponsors. Banner will
be displayed during our Emmett Little League season.

Sponsorship Information
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Phone: ________________________________ Email:
City:__________________________ State:________________________ Zip

Sponsorship Program selected:
[ ] Field Sponsor $600 [ ] Donation
[ ] Team Sponsor $500 [ ] Other
[ ] Banner Sponsor $250 [ ] Equipment Sponsor $100

Pledge Donation
• Donation Amount $ _______________ • Other: